Sunday 28 April 2019

How 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Transformed Scientific Fat Loss

Shaun Hadsall's Breakthrough Weight Loss System Sheds Fat - The All-Natural Way

The '14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan', a scientific program to guide dieters to lose weight in a healthy, completely natural way, has revolutionized the field of 'scientific fat loss'.

Many women - and a surprising number of men, too - dream of enjoying a slimmer figure within just a couple of weeks. But when it comes to diets for rapid fat loss, the claims fly fast and thick. It’s enough to make your head spin.

Conventional advice was to reduce fat intake to lose weight. Diets for rapid fat loss excluded cakes, ice-cream, pizza, cheese and chocolate. But recent scientific research has uncovered the reality that fatty foods don't make you fat. Instead, carbohydrate intake is often the culprit when it comes to gaining weight.

The Annals of Internal Medicine, a reputable journal for medical professionals, published a study of 148 volunteers who were assigned into two groups - one eating a low-carb diet and the other a low-fat diet. Researchers were stunned to find that the average weight loss for those in the low-carb group was 7.7 pounds greater than the others.

Nutrition and weight management specialist Shaun Hadsall has been saying this for years, though. In his '14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan', a simple yet effective system that helps eliminate unhealthy fat within 2 weeks, he advocates a combination of exercise, rest and correct nutrition.

"Low fat diets slow down metabolism while leaving you hungrier," says Myntra Miller, a nutritionist and fat loss consultant. "Insulin released in response to high carbohydrate intake causes extra calories to be deposited around the waist."

It's an "eat more, use less" double whammy! And scientific weight loss programs are actively studying this research to recommend programs that are based on the body's own structure and genetic make up. Such programs achieve great results without harmful drugs or extreme diet restrictions that lower compliance.

"We make losing weight fun and healthy," says Misha Donaldson, another fitness coach and nutritionist we spoke with for this report. Misha explains how each individual's capability for rebuilding tissue is different. A scientific fat loss program must be tailored for such variations.

Shaun Hadsall's "14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan" helps fitness fans burn off fat naturally and in a healthy manner. The deeply researched and scientifically structured program helps dieters achieve a slimmer figure while enhancing health and fitness. And the biggest benefit of this program is that it doesn't rely on using any drugs or chemicals.

Anyone looking for a well-researched, science-backed program designed to help burn fat and shed extra pounds quickly should look at the '14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan'. A comprehensive and detailed review is available at which includes specific details of the program with explanations about how it lowers weight and improves health.

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